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1 666440 $1,500.00 RENT 29757584 FOR RENT 2098 El Paraiso Dr,Brownsville Gloria A. Gonzales
2 666439 $1,950.00 RENT 29757550 FOR RENT 2105 Palm Blvd,Brownsville Gloria A. Gonzales
3 665853 $2,100.00 RENT 29755722 NEWLY RENOVATED! FOR RENT 5251 Skyline Dr,Brownsville Linda Marie Villarreal
4 652521 $54,900.00 LOT 29753257 55 + Plus Community NEW PRICE! 410 Missouri River Dr,Brownsville Michael Villarreal
5 652986 $259,000.00 SFH 29752129 NORTHWOOD SUBDIVISION: NEW PRICE! 1921 Royal Oak,Brownsville Miriam Gonzalez
6 659535 $498,000.00 LOT 29749231 LAND! LOS FRESNOS! 0 FM 3069,Los Fresnos Elizabeth Campos
7 665657 $179,000.00 SFH 29755291 NEWLY RENOVATED! SALE PENDING! 446 Avenida Del Sol,Brownsville Linda Marie Villarreal